Untitled (Big Ass Painting), 2015 UV ink and aluminum buttons on canvas Working across various media, including painting, sculpture, film, video, audio, and design, Holmqvist has, for the past [...]
Exquisite Rotation (Fakir Fans) 2015/2016 Installation Nida Sinnokrot was born in 1971 in Jeannette, US and currently lives and works in Jerusalem. He is a Palestinian-American artist, raised in [...]
Hypothetisches Gebilde, 2017 Copper, powder coated steel, coal Reality is an abstract term we feed with definitions we agree on in order to live together. It’s like the measurement, weight, or [...]
Untitled (Twelve Deaths), N.D. Pen on paper Cuban artist Wilfredo Prieto (1978) has continuously characterized his work with simplicity. His sculptures, installations, drawings and paintings [...]
Carina, 2013 Acrylic, carbon fibre, spidersilk, Dedolight 24V 150W, Muraro tripod Hidden within many of Tomás Saraceno’s grand visions of cloud cities, climbable structures, and solar balloons, a [...]
Autorretrato ciego sacando chispas después de haberme empujado doscientos gramos de palomitas, ciento cincuenta de gomitas, trescientos de Cheeto’s, dos litros de cerveza indio, y cuarentavos [...]