A secluded and pleasant land. In this land I wish to dwell por Leonor Antunes
Acerca de Leonor Antunes:
I recognize myself in street mythologies. I give myself the role of a traveller, eternally set in the world of action, of the real accidental nature of things, and link them to the paradox of constructing sculptures as public experiences. My work fights for the revelation of chance, in searching for and arranging objects whose historical memory and public perception is placed precisely in the field of interpolation. I find this in functional objects, everyday items that, once de-contextualised or diverted, rapidly undergo a change in identity. I’m looking for my work to foreground contextual interaction linked to its specific conditions. I see it as a mysterious and silent entity; a sculpture which condemns permanence, where the object is constantly affected by its surroundings. It is about places. I think of them as dwellings, spaces for people, and base my work on the sense of possibility, in generating situations, which can be experienced. It is in this particular dialectic built on similarity, in the negation of the grand sculptural gesture, that the force field of my installations is created.
(Excerpt from: Squatters, exhibition catalogue, Serralves Foundation, Porto, 2001.)